Wednesday, June 01, 2005

So THAT's who Deep Throat is?....

I was a bit surprised to learn of the identity of Deep Throat. I thought it would be Alexander Haig. However, the FBI guy makes a lot of sense as the secret talker of long ago. Like many of you, I read the book and saw the movie and was confirmed in the opinion that Nixon was on the nutty side. I also feel he was used by those around him, who knew his dark side, to further their own careers. Well, a lot of good it did them.
There is a lot of talk that there was more than one source for the boys from the Washington Post, and that they made up some of the story elements to get a greater dramatic effect. Whatever the case may be, the whole shebang sure did show the power of the press.
As I feel sorry for the family of Nixon, I at the same time am greatful that he was shown for what he was. Who can forget the image of a fallen president waving a stiff-armed V- for victory sign with a big grin as he boarded the helicopter to disgrace.
It was a weird time in our recent past.

1 comment:

Deacon Mike said...

I don't know tom. I always kinda hoped it would be someone with a sound ideological reason for such an act of betrayal. Instead we got an embittered FBI man ticked that he was passed over when Hoover died. I was as happy as anyone when Nixon resigned, being as immersed as the rest of the country in the Ervin Commitee hearings. But looking back on his presidency, had it not been for Watergate, even his detractors would have had to give him credit. It was Nixon who ended our involvement in Viet Nam, Nixon who gave us Affirmative Action and Nixon who opened the door to China. Yes it was his own personality defects which allowed this idiotic burglary to destroy his presidency but we should not judge any man by only one event.
