Friday, November 25, 2005


We hosted the wife's family for the T day dinner....lots of laughing, singing, imbibing, and love....Jill is one of 9, and they were all in attendance with their corresponding kids, kids spouses, our kids and their families...and one mom, who has been in poor health, chose to stay home..probably a wise move, since it was raucous. A note of sadness...three years ago today the matriarch of the family died of heart failure, after fighting a weak heart for years...she is missed today as much as she was then, maybe even more so...she loved Thanksgiving and seeing all the kids and grandkids wreak havoc....her dressing is probably the single most delicious dressing ever concocted....a little gravy, some pepper......perfection on a plate.
We love you, Joanie....

1 comment:

Patry Francis said...

As an only child, I've always envied T-days like this.

Thanks for visiting my blog and good luck with your children's book. Looks like you have lots of inspiration!